Saipem's people, technologies and extraordinary projects: a selection of videos that tell about our commitment towards a sustainable future.

Building a bridge to the future
Saipem 7000
Saipem 7000 completed Hywind Scotland mating operations
CO₂ capture and process
Hydrone | the next-generation subsea technologies
FlatFish, our revolutionary subsea drone
Interview on underwater robotics
Castorone operations
OIE: An Underwater Balloon to Protect the Oceans
Saipem Safety Vision (2023)
CodyTrip on board Saipem 7000
FDS 2 – Adnkronos TV report
  • building

    Building a bridge to the future

    We are a global leader in the engineering and construction of major projects for the energy and infrastructure sectors, both offshore and onshore. Today we are building a bridge to the future, generating value over time for all with sustainable energies, infrastructures, and services.

  • Saipem 7000

    Saipem 7000 completed Hywind Scotland mating operations

    In June 2017, our semi-submersible crane vessel Saipem 7000 completed the mating of the 6MW Siemens Wind Turbine Generators onto their floating support structures for the Hywind Scotland project, on behalf of Statoil. The operation was performed in Norway.

  • Bluenzyme


    Bluenzyme200 is the innovative plug-and-play solution for CO2 capture based on our proprietary enzymatic technology “CO2 Solutions by Saipem™” which ensures a process with reduced environmental impact. Our first modular solution is designed for a nominal capacity of 200 metric tonnes per day.

  • CO2Solutions

    CO₂ capture and process

    CO₂ can be turned into an opportunity with a proper strategy and the technology to capture and process it. We are up to the task thanks to our know-how in sustainable solutions and many strategic partnerships.

  • Hydrone

    Hydrone | the next-generation subsea technologies

    Hydrone-R and Flatfish: the first and second subsea drones of our Hydrone family that operate as ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) and AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle), enabling vessel-free interventions.

  • Flatfish

    FlatFish, our revolutionary subsea drone

    FlatFish is our revolutionary drone for advanced underwater inspections and monitoring of complex subsea infrastructures to a depth of up to 3,000 mwd. The drone can be operated by a flying-hanging garage or can be permanently located subsea. FlatFish is the winner of 2023 Spotlight on New Technology Award by Offshore Technology Conference (OTC).

  • interview

    Interview on underwater robotics

    Matteo Marchiori, Saipem Head of Sonsub Robotics, introduces Sonsub’s underwater robotics. Sonsub, our centre of excellence for subsea technologies and robotics, serves the entire energy industry, including offshore wind and floating solar, and other sectors, in general, such as aquaculture, defence, and environmental monitoring activities.

  • Castorone

    Castorone operations

    This video shows the operations onboard our pipelaying vessel Castorone, one of the biggest in the world, during the execution of the Baltic Pipe Project. Castorone welded together onboard and then laid 150 km of pipelines for this strategic infrastructure project, developed to supply gas directly from Norway to the markets in Poland, Denmark, and neighbouring countries.

  • OIE

    OIE: An Underwater Balloon to Protect the Oceans

    The Offset Installation Equipment (OIE) is an innovative system capable of preventing and limiting the dispersion of hydrocarbons at sea resulting from severe accidents. Based on the principle of the “hot-air balloon”, OIE is a 4-tank structure capable of blocking the leakage of hydrocarbons in the event of a submarine well failure through a capping stack.

  • safety

    Saipem Safety Vision (2023)

    In 2023 we built a new Health and Safety Vision, even more representative of our concrete and operational approach. The creative and rational process that generated the new vision involved our top management. Health and safety are fundamental and non-negotiable values for us. In Saipem, we believe we are all responsible for Safety.

  • Codytrip

    CodyTrip on board Saipem 7000

    The first “CodyTrip” virtual school trip dedicated to offshore wind energy was organized on board Saipem 7000 our semi-submersible crane vessel. A unique experience that allowed 27,000 students from over 850 Italian cities to see up close how the major engineering activities for large energy infrastructures are carried out.

  • Adnkronos

    FDS 2 – Adnkronos TV report

    In a TV report by Adnkronos, Tommaso Gioja, the Master of our crane and pipelay vessel FDS 2, illustrates her characteristics and activities, and Marco Toninelli, COO of the Asset Based Services business line, gives an overview of our main business areas, our fleet, and our role in the energy transition.