Market Abuse 


The MSG Market Abuse is a necessary instrument to continually improve the definition of the process and resulting methods of implementation, in order to apply the recent legislative and regulatory provisions on market abuse, and, particularly, the obligations under EU Regulation no. 596/2014 (Market Abuse Regulation - MAR) and related implementation measures. Specifically, the MSG Market Abuse regulates the measures and procedures relating to both the internal management and external disclosure of Inside Information and Significant Information regarding the Company and its subsidiaries.

The MSG Market Abuse provides detailed operational instructions that will help Saipem to ensure, within its organisation and in its relations with third parties, that its conduct complies with European regulations, with due regard to specific features of the national institutional and operational framework.

The MSG Market Abuse, first issued on May 9, 2013, establishes the principles and rules that Saipem S.p.A. and the companies that it controls, directly and indirectly, in Italy and abroad, must adhere to for the management within Saipem and external communication of company documents and information regarding Saipem, with particular reference to Inside Information and Significant Information. To this end, the MSG Market Abuse also regulates the establishment, keeping and updating of Lists of persons with access to Inside Information and Significant Information, the identification of Relevant Parties and the means of notifying transactions executed, including through third parties, on shares issued by Saipem S.p.A. or on other financial instruments linked to these shares (“Internal Dealing”).

The MSG Market Abuse has been last updated by resolutions of the Board of Directors of Saipem S.p.A. on April 19, 2023 to reflect procedural and organizational updates.

MSG Market Abuse

pdf - 06-2023

Internal Dealing

For the purposes of Market Abuse procedures Relevant Parties are the members of the Board of Directors, the Board of Statutory Auditors, the Senior Managers with Strategic Responsibilities, the Significant Shareholders (*) and the Persons closely associated with Relevant Parties.

In accordance with Board of Directors’ resolution on December 13, 2022, the Board of Directors, at the proposal of the CEO, identifies the Senior Managers with Strategic Responsibilities among the persons reporting directly to the Chief Executive Officer or the General Manager who have the power and responsibility, directly or indirectly, for planning, directing and controlling the Group’s activities.

For such purpose, the Board of Directors on May 26, 2023, appointed as Senior Managers with Strategic Responsibilities, until otherwise resolved: the Chief Financial Officer, the Officer Responsible for Financial Reporting, the General Counsel, Contract Management, Company Affairs, Governance and Public Affairs, the Chief People, HSEQ and Sustainability, the Director Commercial, the Director Supply Chain, Digital and IT, the Director Asset Based Services, the Director Energy Carriers, the Director Sustainable Infrastructures, the Director Robotics and Industrialized Solutions, the Director Offshore Wind.

(*) anyone who directly or indirectly holds an interest, which, in accordance with Article 118 of the Issuers' Regulations, is at least ten percent (10%) of the Company's share capital with voting rights, as well as any other person who controls the Company.

Internal Dealing transactions

Below is a list of Internal Dealing Transactions since 2016

Related party Position Operation Date Operation Type Volume financial Instruments
Paolo Calcagnini Person discharging managerial responsibilities 11/11/24 S 70.000
Mauro Piasere Person discharging managerial responsibilities 07/11/24 S 20.240
Paolo Calcagnini Person discharging managerial responsibilities 26/10/23 P 40.000
Alessandro Puliti Chief Executive Officer 26/10/23 P 24.000
Filippo Abbà Person discharging managerial responsibilities 26/10/23 P 35.000
Mauro Piasere Person discharging managerial responsibilities 08/09/23 S 20.000
Mauro Piasere Person discharging managerial responsibilities 01/09/23 FA / S 386 / 195
Simone Chini Person discharging managerial responsibilities 31/08/23 P 30.000
Mauro Piasere Person discharging managerial responsibilities 05/05/23 P 30.000
Simone Chini Person discharging managerial responsibilities 11/01/23 P 60.000
Paolo Calcagnini Person discharging managerial responsibilities 20/09/22 P 100.000
Marco Toninelli Person discharging managerial responsibilities 01/09/22 FA / S 890 / 496
Paolo Albini Person discharging managerial responsibilities 01/09/22 FA / S 316 / 213
Mauro Piasere Person discharging managerial responsibilities 01/09/22 FA 518
Alessandro Puliti Person discharging managerial responsibilities 27/07/22 P 140.000
CDP Industria S.p.A. Relevant Shareholder 19/07/22 C 253.176.710
ENI S.p.A. Relevant Shareholder 19/07/22 C 615.992.065
Marco Toninelli Person discharging managerial responsibilities 15/07/22 C 20.710
Paolo Albini Person discharging managerial responsibilities 27/05/22 S 2.521
Paolo Albini Person discharging managerial responsibilities 28/04/22 S 7.045
Massimiliano Branchi Person discharging managerial responsibilities 21/04/22 S 10.000
Maurizio Coratella Person discharging managerial responsibilities 31/12/21 FA 17.241
Stefano Porcari Person discharging managerial responsibilities 31/12/21 FA / FA 27.300 / 18.457
Marco Toninelli Person discharging managerial responsibilities 01/09/21 FA 44.326
Luigi Siri Person discharging managerial responsibilities 01/09/21 FA / S 25.037 / 10.953
Marco Satta Person discharging managerial responsibilities 01/09/21 FA / S 25.037 / 25.037
Stefano Porcari Person discharging managerial responsibilities 01/09/21 FA / S 55.369 / 55.369
Maurizio Coratella Person discharging managerial responsibilities 01/09/21 FA / S 51.721 / 22.605
Mario Colombo Person discharging managerial responsibilities 01/09/21 FA / S 32.232 / 32.232
Silvia Abrate Person discharging managerial responsibilities 01/09/21 FA / S 12.543 / 5.498
Dario Gallinari Person discharging managerial responsibilities 03/06/21 S 33.572
Francesco Racheli Chief Operating Officer Xsight Division/Director Digital and Innovation 31/05/21 FA 25.275
Stefano Cao Chief Executive Officer 28/04/21 S 102.853
Mauro Piasere Person discharging managerial responsibilities 24/11/20 S 20.000
Capfin S.p.A. Person closely associated with relevant person 18/11/20 S 61.000
Davide Ruvolo Director Strategy 10/11/20 S 19.426
Capfin S.p.A. Person closely associated with relevant person 29/10/20 P 36.000
Silvia Abrate Person discharging managerial responsibilities 01/09/20 FA 19.500
Stefano Cao Chief Executive Officer 01/09/20 FA 298.125
Mario Colombo Person discharging managerial responsibilities 01/09/20 FA / S 49.425 / 49.425
Gaetano Colucci Person discharging managerial responsibilities 01/09/20 FA / S 36.375 / 16.949
Dario Gallinari Person discharging managerial responsibilities 01/09/20 FA 84.000
Mauro Piasere Person discharging managerial responsibilities 01/09/20 FA 36.900
Stefano Porcari Person discharging managerial responsibilities 01/09/20 FA / S 81.900 / 81.900
Francesco Racheli Person discharging managerial responsibilities 01/09/20 FA / S 75.825 / 35.306
Davide Ruvolo Person discharging managerial responsibilities 01/09/20 FA / S 36.375 / 16.949
Marco Satta Person discharging managerial responsibilities 01/09/20 FA / S 36.375 / 16.949
Luigi Siri Person discharging managerial responsibilities 01/09/20 FA 36.375
Marco Toninelli Person discharging managerial responsibilities 01/09/20 FA 63.450
Stefano Cao Chief Executive Officer 03/08/20 P 110.000
Capfin S.p.A. Person closely associated with relevant person 29/07/20 P 25.000
Claudia Macchi Person closely associated with relevant person 05/06/20 S 10.000
Claudia Macchi Person closely associated with relevant person 10/07/20 A / S 12.000 / 12.000
Stefano Cao Chief Executive Officer 13/03/20 P 100.000
Claudia Macchi Person closely associated with relevant person 13/03/20 P 10.000
Paul Schapira Board member 18/05/20 P 200.000 euro
Giulio Ettore Bozzini Person discharging managerial responsibilities 12/10/18 FA 47.470
Mauro Piasere Person discharging managerial responsibilities 26/11/18 P 5.000
Federico Ferro-Luzzi Board member 22/09/18 S 40.500
Federico Ferro-Luzzi Board member 29-02-2018 P 40.500
Paolo Andrea Colombo President 26/02/18 P 290.000
Stefano Cao Chief Executive Officer 26/02/18 P 290.000
Dodge & Cox Relevant Shareholder 11/02/18 P 639.213.542
Dodge & Cox Relevant Shareholder 09/02/18 S 4.475.000
Fabio Pallavicini Person discharging managerial responsibilities 08/02/18 C 242.000
Egidio Palliotto Person discharging managerial responsibilities 05/02/18 C 55.000
Antonio Careddu Person discharging managerial responsibilities 05/02/18 C 18.700
Dodge & Cox Relevant Shareholder 05/02/18 S 6.125.407
Dodge & Cox Relevant Shareholder 04/02/18 S 7.392.002
Fondo Strategico Italiano S.p.A. Relevant Shareholder 03/02/18 C 1.213.880.008
Dodge & Cox Relevant Shareholder 03/02/18 S 6.943.000
Dodge & Cox Relevant Shareholder 02/02/18 S 3.517.750
Andrea Forzan Person discharging managerial responsibilities 01/02/18 C 25.300
Dodge & Cox Relevant Shareholder 01/02/18 S 3.458.875
Dodge & Cox Relevant Shareholder 29/01/18 S 3.880.000
Eni S.p.A. Relevant Shareholder 28/01/18 S 2.953.432.746
Dodge & Cox Relevant Shareholder 28/01/18 S 7.046.267
Eni S.p.A. Relevant Shareholder 22/01/18 C 55.176.364
Dodge & Cox Relevant Shareholder 15/01/18 S 35.601


C = capital increase subscription
FA = free assignment of ordinary shares of Saipem S.p.A.
FA / S = free assignment and sell to cover taxes.
P = purchase
S = sale

Internal Dealing documents

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