A renewed Health & Safety Vision


Health and Safety have always been a priority for us, forming an integral part of our core business. They are in fact a prerequisite for the success of our business. Saipem has implemented “Leadership in Health and Safety” (LiHS) for 16 years, which consists of a set of training programmes and tools to establish a solid safety culture with a strong focus on leadership development at all management levels.

At the end of 2022, during a special edition of an LiHS workshop, a collective brainstorming session involving top management led to the creation of the updated Health and Safety Vision, which reflects Saipem’s values and commitment to ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of all employees.

These are the fundamental pillars of the Health and Safety Vision:

  • We integrate safety into everything we do
  • We respect safety standards and protocols and actively contribute to improving them
  • We have the skills to work safely
  • We speak up and intervene to protect ourselves and others

Conducting a business safely requires the unceasing commitment of the Company and contribution of all stakeholders.

Worker safety is constantly monitored and guaranteed through an integrated health, safety and environment management system, certified under ISO 45001 and 14001 standards. This system ensures that health and safety risks are systematically identified and evaluated, with appropriate mitigation actions implemented to either eliminate or manage these risks effectively. Additionally, we set clear objectives and targets that guide our actions toward continuous improvement. Our management system undergoes regular reviews through internal audits as well as inspections conducted by an external certification body.

Physical and mental health and well-being are non-negotiable prerequisites for working well, safely and for dealing with the major challenges typical of the industry in which the Company works.

Our journey


Saipem invests consistently to ensure a safe work environment for our people, for our contractors and for the communities where we operate, pursuing the journey towards safety excellence that had begun more than fifteen years ago, and turning the vision of zero victims into reality.

Two determining factors in ensuring that the workforce complies with safety standards are the development of professional skills and the understanding of individual responsibilities.

1,7 mln
training hours on HSE topics delivered to employees and subcontractors in 2023
Total recordable injury frequency rate compared to 2022

LiHS programme 


In 2006, Saipem created a programme whereby all staff could contribute to developing a culture of safety – the "Leadership in Health and Safety (LiHS) Programme”. Each member of the organisation plays a fundamental role in the success of the programme: managers, supervisors, employees and subcontractors, with the sole aim of incorporating a culture of care and intervention, where each person understands that working safely is an intrinsic feature of Saipem.

Saipem pursues this objective through a top-down, bottom-up and multi-stage strategy, with a wide range of tools, which have been fine-tuned over 16 years of continuous applications and updates.

We Want Zero


In addition to leadership involvement through the LiHS Programme, Saipem has also designed the "We Want Zero" workshop, which has become a factor contributing to achieving the target of zero victims in Saipem activities. The workshop is used to identify the reasons why unsafe standardised conditions may exist within the organisation, trying to address problems with new and creative solutions, by applying lateral thinking methods. Saipem's “Life-Saving Rules” (LSR) in the scope of the WWZ Programme have proven highly effective in driving improved safety performance, providing the foundation for non-negotiable expectations to be considered when operating in our Company's work environments.

Safety Step-up Programme


To achieve a further step-change in Saipem’s safety performance, the Safety Step Up programme was established in 2023. The main objectives of the programme are to improve occupational safety culture and performance, particularly regarding the prevention of serious injuries and high-potential events, to establish permanent market monitoring to enable. The programme is organised across several areas: Technology, Asset Integrity, Supply Chain, Behaviour and Data Analysis System.

Safety performance

Year Million worked man-hours LTI Frequency Rate TRI Frequency Rate HL Frequency Rate Event
2021 199,7 0,19 0,37 0,76
2022 237,8 0,16 0,43 0,88
2023 176,0 0,10 0,32 0,74

(*) The HLFR (High Level Frequency Rate) was introduced in 2021 to measure all near misses that might have caused serous injuries.

One Saipem, One Health


At Saipem, we view the comprehensive health of our employees as an essential resource, making it a fundamental element of how we conduct our business. Our healthcare strategy is centred on occupational health, preventive measures, and overall wellbeing. To integrate these aspects seamlessly, we have adopted the concept of One Health as the guiding principle for all activities and services we organise for our employees.


The health of our employees


Saipem has developed a continually evolving health management system, which is adapted to the work environment, integrates the most recent epidemiological studies and is designed to ensure the best health monitoring and medical services.

Our comprehensive healthcare package for Saipem employees ensures maximum protection for workers, and offers full care coverage for every individual while addressing diverse needs, ensuring equitable and personalised access to services.

The program includes an assessment of the health risks, check-ups for the issue of fitness certificates, vaccinations and chemoprophylaxis, health information, monitoring of the hygiene/sanitary conditions, programmes for the prevention of diseases, such as the cardiovascular disease prevention programme, and activities to promote health and physical activity.

In 2023, a Smart Clinic was established as a health facility providing a proximity medical service that addresses the possible professional and personal needs of Saipem’s people. The clinic is currently active in Milan and will subsequently be made available at other locations.

Saipem’s operating activities require the movement of a considerable number of people, including to remote locations. This is why we ensure the best possible medical care for employees wherever they work with the aid of remote medicine in order to organise regular medical check-ups through various programmes including Telecardiology, Teledermatology and Telepsychology.

We also provide staff with training before each trip or foreign assignment, in order to prevent the risks of contracting diseases due to climatic, environmental and other factors related to the destination.

Employee support programmes


Saipem offers a wide range of support programs for its employees, designed to comply with local regulations and broadly implemented across Group companies. These include:

  • Working-from home measures
  • Flexible working hours Part-time working options
  • Childcare facilities or contributions defined in the internal Welfare system (e.g. babysitting services, elderly care)
  • Breast-feeding/lactation facilities or benefits
  • Paid parental leave for the primary and secondary caregivers, exceeding the minimum legal requirement
  • Paid family or care leave beyond parental leave Health fund
  • Prevention programmes Insurance for professional and non-professional injuries
  • Integrative pension fund Some measures (i.e. working from home) are applicable only for office workers and are in line with local market practices

Seeing safer solutions

When it comes to safety, Saipem equips its people with everything they need to ensure the best working conditions, in offices or out at sea, and today digital tools are a major ally in this pursuit. For workers on board our offshore fleet, the Electronic Permit to Work System (e-PTW) offers greater control over open permits and their mapping. The system automatically identifies potential interference between planned activities in the same area, preventing possible hazardous risks in the already challenging work environment at sea.

“This new electronic system increases the safety of all the employees involved, since they are more aware of the simultaneous operations happening”, says Raymond Eusebio, Managing Supervisor on Castorone. “Sharing is more effective, and the team is more active, since the application is more user-friendly and very adaptive”.

The digitalised system visually enables greater supervision of planned activities for the person on duty through a dashboard that provides clear visibility of the status of e-PTWs. The system can also identify actions that were a potential cause of a fatality. In 2023, E-PTW was applied in more than 30% of Saipem’s fleet with the objective to extend the application to 100% of the fleet in 2025.


Interview with Raymond Eusebio, Managing Supervisor, Castorone

Q. In your view, what are the standout benefits of the new digital permit to work system?

A. To start with, it fosters a heightened consciousness about simultaneous operations. This increased awareness significantly enhances everyone’s safety. It’s also made the exchange of information smoother and team communication more seamless.

Q. Have there been challenges to overcome?

A. Indeed, while the tool is user-friendly and adaptive, it naturally requires an adjustment period. Everyone needs a bit of time and practice to adeptly navigate the ins and outs of the tool.

Q. Do you have a favourite feature?

A. Absolutely, the digital signature. It eliminates the need for tedious paperwork, freeing us up to focus on more important things. This certainly makes us more efficient and saves valuable time.

Below some thematic areas for in-depth study

Human and Labour Rights 

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