Saipem's energy transition strategy hinges mainly on the so-called Bio-to-X market, which includes various sectors that exploit biological raw materials, such as biofuels and bio-plastics, and Power-to-X market, which includes the CO2 and green H2 utilization for e-fuels production.
Saipem is investigating a number of sustainable feedstock to replace fossil crude. As regards biomass conversion, a detailed investigation was conducted into the processes and technologies to produce biofuel from liquid and solid biomass using hydro-processing technologies of vegetable oils (HEFA process) or enzymatic hydrolysis and the fermentation of the processing waste from wood, straw or solid waste from food processing.
We have studied the biofuel production processes and technologies in detail, with a special focus on second generation bio-ethanol and SAF.
This was the framework for the agreement we signed with Versalis to promote the PROESA® technology used to produce sustainable bio-ethanol and chemical substances from lignocellulosic biomass. Saipem and Versalis will provide integrated, technologically advanced solutions for the sustainable production of bio-ethanol. The PROESA® process does not use food crops for human consumption as its raw material. Instead, it produces second generation bio-ethanol via a process of hydrolysis and subsequent fermentation of agricultural biomasses in plentiful supply, such as agricultural waste, wood shavings and energy crops.
As part of the more frequent engagement of Saipem in the construction of sustainable unit, Saipem has increased the collaboration with the major Technology Provider of HEFA Technology resulting the first Contractor to have experienced collaboration with the most know and international, as well as has strong collaboration with start-up for development of novelty technology. Special attention is also being paid to the management and transformation of urban solid waste downstream of the re-use and recycling processes using WASTE-TO-X technologies in order to produce bio-methane, bio-methanol and/or synthetic bio-fuels.
Furthermore, we are also working on bio-plastic technologies with partnerships and business opportunities for PLA (Polylactic Acid). We have conducted a detailed investigation into biodegradable and bio-based plastic technologies, and we are currently developing a feasibility study to construct a 30 ktA PLA plant in northern Italy. PLA is a thermoplastic polyester that comes from organic raw materials via C fermentation, rather than from petroleum.
Energy efficiency and technology on board our E&C fleet
As part of our short and medium/long-term strategy to achieve Net Zero, we are also focusing on research to find practical solutions to use low carbon emission fuels for our existing assets while we renew our Offshore E&C fleet of ships, as alternative fuels are facing technical challenges and barriers.