Saipem Accessibility Statement
Website accessibility statement for private entities as per art. 3 paragraph 1-bis of law 9 January 2004, n.4
Saipem S.p.A. is committed to making its website accessible in accordance with Law No. 4 of January 9, 2004. This accessibility statement applies to:
Partially Compliant
This website is partially compliant with the requirements set forth in Appendix A of the UNI CEI EN 301549 standard due to the non-compliance issues listed below.
The following content is not accessible for the following reasons, in non-compliance with Law No. 4 of January 9, 2004:
- C. - Some non-text content presented to the user does not have a text alternative that serves the same purpose.
- C. - In some cases, the structure or relationships conveyed through page presentation cannot be programmatically determined (or are not available via text).
- C. - In some cases, only color has been used to identify a purpose or distinguish information or functions.
- C. - The visual representation of text and images containing text does not always meet the required minimum contrast ratio, except for exceptions provided by the standard (e.g., logos).
- C. - Some text, except for captions and images containing text, cannot be resized up to 200 percent without assistive technologies, without losing content or functionality.
- C. - In some cases, images of text are used instead of text alone, and these images are neither customizable nor essential to the type of information conveyed.
- C. - Content that does not require a two-dimensional layout (such as data tables or maps) does not reflow when the display size is changed by the user agent.
- C. - For some essential components, even in different states, the color contrast with adjacent elements does not exceed the ratio of 3:1.
- C. - Some functionalities cannot be operated using a keyboard (or an analogous input interface).
- C. - Some animations, flashing, scrolling, or auto-updating information, which start automatically and last more than five seconds or are presented alongside other content, lack mechanisms to stop or hide them.
- C. - There is no mechanism to skip blocks of content repeated across multiple web pages.
- C. - Some web pages lack titles that describe the topic or purpose.
- C. - In some web pages that can be navigated sequentially, where the navigation sequence affects meaning and functionality, some objects that can receive focus do not receive it in a logical order that preserves meaning and operability.
- C. - The purpose of some links cannot be determined from the link text or from the link text together with adjacent content.
- C. - Headings and/or labels do not adequately clarify content or functionality.
- C. - On some interactive elements, the focus indicator is not visible.
- C. - In some cases, labels or instructions are not provided when the content requires user input.
- C. - In some cases, the name, role, states, properties, and values of user interface components (including form elements, links, and script-generated components) are not correctly set or notified to the user and their assistive technologies when they change.
- C. - In some cases, status messages are not presented to the user in a way that assistive technologies can interpret them without moving focus.
This statement was prepared on 29/08/2024. The evaluation was conducted by third parties through objective and subjective analysis (see Article 3, paragraph 1 of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/1523). The statement was last reviewed on 29/08/2024, following the recommendation to periodically review (at least annually) the accuracy of the statements contained in this accessibility statement.
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In case of an unsatisfactory response or no response within thirty days to the notification or request, the concerned party may submit a report to AgID via certified email to the following address:
1. Date of website publication: 23 August 2023
2. Usability tests have been conducted: no
3. CMS used for the website: Drupal v.9