Training courses for professionals and managers

Our Behavioral Model expresses our culture and our values and has become the cornerstone for all our development initiatives.

Saipem Managerial Academy's training programmes offer staff the opportunity to understand the Behavioral Model and train their behavioural skills via various schemes devoted to each of the basic skills.

The courses strengthen the technical skills that make Saipem people a strategic asset for the development of its activities.

The numbers of the 2021 training

average training man-hours attended by each employee
1,6 mln
hours of training provided to employees and subcontractors

Onboarding, training and mentoring courses for young people

Our priority is to help our people grow.

We therefore accompany newly appointed staff from the moment they join the company, we invest in their professional growth via multi-disciplinary training courses, we motivate them and guide their development plans in order to enhance the ambitions and potential of each one of them.

Our Onboarding courses aim to provide the essential knowledge and tools to work in total safety and in full compliance with company policies. They also offer major opportunities to learn the basics of business management and economics and for our young people to get to know our corporate values and culture.

Saipem also encourages courses of training-on-the-job, mentorship programs to help consolidate technical and professional skills by shadowing and a reciprocal exchange and coaching courses linked to managerial skills, aimed at identifying and gaining awareness of strengths and areas for improvement.

We consider these moments of sharing and comparing to be of great importance: the exchange of knowledge and experience thanks to project workshops completes and accompanies their entry into the company.

Our training centres are open laboratories for experimenting methodologies and avant-garde models to develop Saipem's capital of strategic competencies.

Our professionals not only possess first-class, technical skills; they also know how to use their enthusiasm to lead their teams to success.


Global mobility

We acknowledge the value of Global Mobility not only as a tool to supplement and grow our resources, but also as a means to support the development of our business in any country or geographic area in the world

Each person contributes knowledge, abilities,experience and prospects to share in the international opportunities, which enrich us daily, bring us innovation and teach us to widen our outlook.

Our ambition is to create the conditions of a "Best in class" work experience for expatriates in charge of logistics, health and safety on certain sites considered "critical".

Our expatriation packages recognise the need for a homogeneous, transversal approach and the needs arising from the different market contexts, in which we are active.


Our career paths in the various departments consider personal entrepreneurship and the ability to develop one's own professionalism day after day according to the competencies outlined in our Behavioral Model to be of great value.

We believe that by supporting our people's growth, we can encourage them to create new ideas, to innovate our processes and, more generally speaking, continually help develop our organisation and business.

In this sense, we are committed to defining growth paths supported by People Development tools structured and designed for different seniorities and professional families, such as the assessment, mentoring and job rotation programmes.

Saipem's remuneration system aims to strengthen sustainable results and create value. Our remuneration policies, therefore, respect the criteria of meritocracy and internal equality, and differentiate between professional and managerial skills and performance. The latter are recognised according to the responsibilities people hold, the results they achieve, their professional qualities and potential development, depending on the context and the relevant wage markets.


Corporate Welfare

Our Welfare Programme offers numerous services to provide our people with practical support to balance their work and personal commitments. 

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Compensation & Benefits

Happy, satisfied, motivated people are vital for our strategic vision. 

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