We work for a sustainable future

Technological and digital innovation are foundational to Saipem's approach across all business areas, driving economic, environmental, and climate success.

Indeed, leveraging technological and digital advancements not only increases our competitiveness but also accelerates our transition towards a low-carbon energy future.

"Technology is the key to successfully tackling the decarbonisation of hard-to-abate sectors. Our ambition is to integrate processes and technologies, providing clients with an end-to-end decarbonized solution in line with their Net Zero target."
Fabrizio Botta -  Chief Operating Officer Energy Carriers



Saipem provides customers in the energy sector with increasingly digitalised tools, technologies and processes to resolve the complex challenges of decarbonisation and the energy transition, ranging from CO₂ management with our proprietary CO₂ Solutions technology to consolidation in the offshore floating wind sector, from developing projects in the hydrogen and robotics sectors to plastics recycling projects.


Saipem’s strategy towards green and digital transformation is strengthened and supported by participation in projects financed by the European “Horizon 2020” funding programmes for Research and Innovation and its successor “Horizon Europe”. 

In this context, Saipem is involved in some projects in Europe concerning the following areas:

▪    Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS);
▪    Floating wind;
▪    The application of AI in Underwater Robotics

Saipem aims to offer solutions to significantly reduce climate-altering emissions, not only for the Oil&Gas industry but also for other energy-intensive industries, such as steel, paper mills and cement.

Saipem is particularly oriented towards various offshore renewable energy sources, primarily offshore wind and floating solar.

We see this gas as both a low-carbon chemical intermediate and an energy carrier that can gradually replace natural gas, particularly in those applications that are difficult to electrify.

Saipem is committed to adopting new models that create value and protect the environment by improving resource management, eliminating waste through improved design, and maximising the circularity of products.

Saipem's commitment to innovation in 2023


€ 71 Mln
Investments for technological innovation
€ 34 Mln
Investments in R&D and the application of decarbonisation technologies
Active patents

Digital Innovation and Subsea Robotics

In addition to providing the more evident competitive advantages such as shorter lead times and reduced logistical complexities, digital innovation enhances energy efficiency. This transformation of efficiency efforts into tangible outcomes not only optimises operations but also plays a pivotal role in significantly reducing CO₂ emissions.

Digital technologies can reshape current practices and the future landscape of the energy industry, Integrating these advancements can increase productivity, reduce costs and expand our offerings to clients, in addition to minimising our personnel’s exposure to hazardous conditions.

An example of technological innovation going in this direction is given by Saipem’s advanced underwater robotics solutions, designed to execute complex inspection tasks automatically and with no subsea human presence. The Company aspires to play a pivotal role in this transformation, deploying some of the more innovative and disruptive subsea robotics available in the offshore market.


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The security of our people and the company’s tangible and intangible assets are a top priority at Saipem. In response to this priority, for us cybersecurity is a cornerstone of corporate security management, especially with the increasing threat of cyberattacks highlighted by the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2023.

Since 2019, we adopt an integrated approach to the daily management of physical security and cybersecurity risks, as we view security as an enabling factor that positively affects the economic and social value of Saipem. To maintain our adherence to the highest standards, our approach is aligned with the National Framework for Cybersecurity and Data Protection (FNCS).

The multi-year information security and data management programme, launched in 2022 and continuing in 2024, encompasses the following projects:

▪          Identity Management & Access Governance

▪          Data Governance

▪          Encrypted Traffic Protection

▪          Network Segmentation

▪          Operational Technology (OT) Security

▪          Privileged Access Management

We are committed to building and developing an integrated security model that is fully embedded in company processes and in line with our values and national and international legislation in order to:

Ensure a safe, secure workplace and protect employees, contract workers and third parties;
Protect all company information and know-how whose confidentiality, integrity and availability are critical for ensuring Saipem’s competitive advantage;
Protect the integrity and reputation of management and stakeholders. Saipem’s cyber security model is designed to secure company IT/OT systems, networks and data management, as well as external communications with third parties such as clients, suppliers and authorities.
To achieve these objectives, we have implemented an Information Security Management System compliant with ISO/IEC 27001. The adequacy of our cybersecurity is also continuously monitored by BitSight, an independent rating company that provides an impartial assessment of any potential weaknesses.

Critical cyber incidents
training hours delivered on cybersecurity

Business Ethics

Responsible Supply Chain

Local Impact

Dal 06/02/2025 al 13/02/2025, a causa di attività di manutenzione straordinaria, potrebbero verificarsi brevi interruzioni sul sito web.
From February 6 to February 13, 2025,  due to maintenance activities, our website may experience temporary disruptions.