People centredness

Individual health and safety, combined with professional skills, the enhancement of diversity and promotion of an inclusive culture, are complementary aspects of the same priority, namely the people centredness.

Health, physical and mental well-being, operational safety are essential to working well and dealing with the complex challenges of a sustainable future.

Similarly, technical, professional, and relational training are fundamental as a company to grow sustainably and as an extended society to safeguard, enhance and develop our natural heritage as a common asset.

If people are the nerve centre of all activities, there are several areas that can be leveraged to enrich the individual sphere and the overall capabilities of the company, for example: health and safety, personal development and whatever refers to diversity, equity and inclusion.


Health and safety

The safety of all Saipem personnel and operations is a fundamental priority and strategic principle of our corporate culture.

Saipem is committed on a daily basis to maintaining leadership in managing the worker health and safety, by monitoring and ensuring this through an integrated management system and fostering this culture over the years through numerous campaigns to raise awareness.

The safety of people is constantly monitored and guaranteed through an integrated health, safety and environment management system, which meets the international standards and demanding legislation, with ISO 45001 certification for all the most significant business entities in the Group.

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Talent Development

Professional and managerial skills are essential for long-term sustainable growth and are assets to be safeguarded, valued, and improved to guarantee operational excellence and project performance.

Through sessions of training and discussion, we create opportunities for continuous improvement of our people to help them develop strategic professional skills for our business.

The ongoing relationship with educational institutions is Saipem’s actual way of acting as a bridge between the world of education and the working world, transferring those unique skills to build a sustainable world together.

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Diversity, equity and inclusion

Saipem recognizes the centrality of its people in their uniqueness and is committed to guarantee their development based on the principles of equality, solidarity, and respect for human rights, as leverage for positive change and a driver for transformation.

Valuing diversity, equity and promoting inclusion, as the basis of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion strategy, are essential to pursue business objectives, through a path that develops systematically.

We are committed to the continuous development of a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion strategy that considers the most relevant elements of diversity, within the company, defining objectives, initiatives, and guidelines which, through the Strategic Sustainability Plan, turn into change key factors and a strategic priority.

We prove therefore our commitment to promoting and supporting an inclusive culture, free from any form of discrimination and cultural, organizational, and material obstacles.

During the year 2022 Saipem has issued the Diversity, Equality & Inclusion Group Policy formalizing our true commitment to promote and support a culture based on the value of diversity, as a source of mutual enrichment, spreading the principles of inclusion and equity. We have also obtained the ISO 30415:2021- Human Resource Management Diversity and Inclusion standard certification, as further testimony of our commitment to spread the values of diversity and inclusion, through the adoption of organizational and management solutions in terms of policies, processes, organizational practices, and conscious and unconscious behaviours of individual people.

As far as gender diversity is concerned, Saipem intends to undertake a dedicated certification process in line with UNI/PdR 125:2022, a practice that defines the guidelines for the gender equality management system, providing for the structuring and adoption of a set of performance indicators related to gender equality policies in organizations.

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Dal 06/02/2025 al 13/02/2025, a causa di attività di manutenzione straordinaria, potrebbero verificarsi brevi interruzioni sul sito web.
From February 6 to February 13, 2025,  due to maintenance activities, our website may experience temporary disruptions.