South China Sea, about 100 km off the Vietnamese coast
2019 - 2020
Offshore E&C
Decommissioning Offshore

The project

The project involved the design of structures for the development of a natural gas field located in block 118 off the coast of Vietnam, the country’s largest gas reserves.

Saipem provided Front End Engineering Design (FEED) services for the entire project, which included a platform, subsea gas and condensate pipelines and fibre optic cabling for the offshore part, and a gas treatment plant, pipelines and a ship loading plant for the condensate for the onshore part.

Key facts and figures

14 month
project duration
engineering centres

Project impact

The Ca Voi Xanh field is crucial for meeting the growing demand for clean energy in Vietnam and fuelling the country’s economic growth.

More specifically, the project is intended to boost the industrialisation and socioeconomic development of Vietnam’s central provinces.

An extraordinary project

A multi-business project and multi-centre execution: its exceptional nature lies in Saipem’s successful integration of resources and expertise.

During the FEED stage Saipem implemented specific engineering solutions, taking into consideration the contributions offered by Saipem’s suppliers and its Engineering & Construction divisions, which will bring benefits for the future EPC phase.

Ca Voi

Technological challenges

The design of the offshore platform was extremely challenging from a technical perspective, as it involved the installation of one of the heaviest fixed offshore structures at a water depth of about 300 m, conditions for which floating structures are normally preferred.

The 15,000-ton topside will be installed using the float-over method on a 30,000-ton jacket.


Assets and people

Three divisions and four engineering centres worked on the project, with about 250 people involved at peak.

Recently developed digital tools have allowed Saipem to integrate the expertise of various Saipem divisions and to interface with the client’s project team as a single unit, even following the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic

Key takeaways

  1. The execution of a complex, structured FEED project allowed Saipem to operate once again in Vietnam, further strengthening the company’s presence in Southeast Asia. 

  2. Stronger strategic cooperation with ExxonMobil, an important client with a strong focus on innovation and energy transition.

  3. Add significant references in the engineering of Offshore Fixed Facilities in deep water.

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    CA VOI
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