Saipem migliora ancora la propria posizione nella classifica di Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), l’organizzazione no‐profit indipendente che offre agli investitori un sistema per misurare le politiche e le performance in tema di climate change.


Saipem still improves its position in the ranking of Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the independent non-profit organization that offers investors a system to measure climate change policies and performances.

The overall score achieved by Saipem, which has undergone this assessment since 2009, has allowed the transition from the "C" level of 2018 to the "B" level (in a D <A scale), a position higher than the sector average that is B-.

The positive result is mainly due to the quantification of the financial impact of the risks and opportunities of climate change.

Marco Stampa, responsible for Saipem's sustainability, states: "Improving one's position in the carbon footprint is a complex, ambitious challenge that is always to be renewed. Saipem is trying to better assess risks and opportunities deriving from climate change scenarios. this is also confirmed by our new corporate communication on the subject, widely discussed and shared by the Board of Directors of Saipem, and which places us among those who consider transparency and engagement with stakeholders at the center of the company's identity ".

Just recently Saipem has published on its website the report "Tackling Climate Change" in which Saipem tells how it is equipped to compete in long-term business scenarios and its approach to managing the issues related to climate change.

The "Tackling Climate Change" report is available at the following link:


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