Saipem has opened its doors at the Saipem base in Trieste on the first day of the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF), a biennial, pan-European, general science conference dedicated to scientific research and innovation, which is taking place in Trieste, Italy from 2-6 September 2020, and of which Saipem is one of the main sponsors.


In fact, Saipem organized a visit to its base of operations at the port of Trieste for local stakeholders, scientific experts, and media.

During the guided tour, a team of Saipem experts illustrated the latest technological innovations for submarine operations and interventions. The following were shown:

  • The Offset Installation Equipment (OIE), a unique system which blocks oil spills from underwater wells when direct vertical access is not possible

  • The Hydrone-R, a drone that can operate underwater for months, even autonomously up to a depth of 3000 m to perform inspections and maintenance operations and which will be deployed later on this year at Equinor’s Njord Field development, offshore Norway.

  • The Innovator, a Work Class ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle), which is one of the tele-operated submarine robots of Saipem's fleet created to perform inspections and construction and maintenance works of underwater infrastructures.

Among the guests who participated to the event, organized with the strictest safety measures and protocols in place as a consequence of the pandemic, were Sergio Emidio Bini, Minister for Productive Activities and Tourism of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, Pierpaolo Roberti, Minister for Local Autonomy of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, Roberto Dipiazza, Mayor of Trieste, Michele Lobianco, Councillor for Human Resources of the City of Trieste and Stefano Fantoni, ESOF2020 Champion.

Saipem’s participation at ESOF2020 will continue on Saturday 5 September during the Science Programme, where a panel of our experts will host a session on Digitalization, Artificial Intelligence and Resident Subsea Drones.

Luca Cattedri, Head of Solutions Business Line, E&C Offshore Division of Saipem, commented: “ESOF is an important international scientific event which has allowed us to showcase the creative intelligence and ingenuity of Saipem and its people to a wide-ranging audience. Taking part at an event where Italy is taking centre stage in scientific and technological innovation is strategic and a source of pride for us.”