Saipem received the 2023 Quality Award by IPLOCA, the association representing the key players in the onshore and offshore pipeline construction industry worldwide. This prestigious award is an acknowledgement of Saipem’s achievements in process quality improvement and it has been granted in recognition of REFLEX, an innovative solution for the continuous improvement of its quality management system, part of the company’s overall digital transformation process.

REFLEX, an acronym for “Reach the Extraordinary from Lessons and Experiences”, provides an accurate snapshot of Saipem’s multiple business areas, much like the camera bearing the same name. Knowledge gained on the field is pooled as lessons learned and returns on experience, thanks to the efficient management of feedback, which allows positive events to be capitalised on while preventing the recurrence of negative ones.

Conceived with the aim of improving the company’s performance and competitiveness, REFLEX is an integrated system that is also an app which can be used on mobile phones and computers; it is user-friendly, flexible and customisable based on the specific work environment and requirements. Launched in the company as “One solution, for one Saipem”, it is designed to promote the culture of knowledge.

All employees are involved in the experience-sharing process; in fact, anyone can propose their own expertise gained on the field in order to inform others. The experiences taken into consideration are screened and evaluated by a multidisciplinary team: some of them are classified as lessons learned that result in an improvement plan, while others remain in the system for the purpose of spreading knowledge about the company's processes.

The award, inaugurated this year, was presented to Saipem during the 55th IPLOCA Convention, which took place in Vancouver from September 11 to 15, 2023.

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