Press Note - Saipem accepted into the United Nations Global Compact

San Donato Milanese (Milan), 14 October 2016 – Saipem has been officially accepted into the United Nations Global Compact, from whose principles of environmental protection, respect for human and labour rights and the fight against corruption the company draws inspiration to manage an ethical and sustainable business that creates value for its stakeholders. Saipem’s inclusion among the participating companies is the result of an analysis process on the company's suitability for the initiative carried out by Global Compact.

Global Compact is an initiative that encourages companies all over the world to contribute to promoting a sustainable global economy from which everyone has the chance of benefiting and subsequently evaluates the ability of those companies to comply with these undertakings ( 

This commitment dovetails neatly into the strategies launched by Saipem some time ago with a view to promoting the health and safety of its employees, the prevention of environmental impacts, including, by means of constant technological innovation, the fight against corruption and a particular focus on governance. The company also promotes human and labour rights in the countries where it operates, thanks, among other things, to responsible management of its supply chain.

The effective implementation of the founding principles of the Global Compact initiative will be disclosed annually through the company’s Sustainability Report. 

Stefano Cao, Saipem CEO, commented thus: “Acceptance into Global Compact is, for us, further motivation towards achieving constant progress. It is an important step forward in seeing sustainable development and corporate responsibility become increasingly integral to the founding values of the culture and organization of the new Saipem and tangible proof of the shared commitment to the continuous improvement of the company with regard to its stakeholders”. 


installation of pipelines and complex projects, onshore and offshore, in the oil & gas market. The company has distinctive competences in operations in harsh environments, remote areas and deepwater. Saipem provides a full range of services with “EPC” and “EPCI” contracts (on a “turn-key” basis) and has distinctive capabilities and unique assets with a high technological content
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Saipem accepted into the United Nations Global Compact

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