Press note: Saipem and Politecnico di Milano sign agreement establishing the “Saipem International Chair”

Milan, 2 September 2014 – Saipem and the Politecnico di Milano have today signed a collaboration agreement to create a new visiting chair within the university’s engineering faculty, to be known as the “Saipem International Chair”. 

The initial agreement, which was signed in the Aula Magna of the Politecnico di Milano, by the Dean, Giovanni Azzone and Saipem’s CEO, Umberto Vergine, is due to last three years starting from the 2014-2015 academic year. The Chair will be awarded annually to a leading international scholar from the field of energy and plant engineering. Courses taught by the chair will focus on project management and will be conducted in English with the aim of attracting both Italian and international students.

The Politecnico di Milano was ranked first in Italy and 18th in Europe in the 2014 Academic Ranking of World Universities in the Engineering/Technology category. The Politecnico is a firm believer in the importance of cooperation between academic institutions and international business. It sees this as a way of benefiting not just from the exchange of knowledge and expertise, but also of enhancing the institution’s attractiveness to international students and teaching staff as well as ability to produce graduates capable of competing in the global marketplace. 

The international focus of the new Chair is in line with Saipem’s global position as it operates in more than 70 countries around the world and earns 95% of its revenues from work performed outside of Italy. Project Management represents a crucial aspect of the company’s work, given that any one year will see it involved in a significant number of projects with an individual value of more than €500 million, as well as at least 5 major turnkey projects worth over €1 billion each. 

The agreement with the Politecnico di Milano will give Saipem the opportunity to contribute to the creation in Italy of a new centre for the development of young talent. It will also help tobuild skills in a discipline that is not only of vital importance to the company. but which - given its strong international focus – is well suited to a labour market that is increasingly global in nature. 


Politecnico di Milano is a scientific-technological university which trains engineers, architects and industrial designers. The University has always focused on the quality and innovation of its teaching and research, developing a fruitful relationship with business and the productive world by means of experimental research and technological transfer. Research has always been linked to didactics and is a priority commitment which has allowed Politecnico di Milano to achieve high quality results at an international level as well as joining the university to the business world. 


Saipem operates in the Engineering & Construction and Drilling businesses, with a strong bias towards oil & gas-related activities in remote areas and deep-waters. Saipem is a leader in the provision of engineering, procurement, project management and construction services with distinctive capabilities in the design and execution of large-scale offshore and onshore projects, and technological competences such as gas monetization and heavy oil exploitation.

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Press note: Saipem and Politecnico di Milano sign agreement establishing the “Saipem International Chair”

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