Saipem CEO Stefano Cao, in a video message from his home, thanks his colleagues for the effort that the current situation requires and invites everyone to take care of themselves for the good of the community. “Exceptional times - he underlines – require exceptional behaviors and attitudes. I am sure that the women and men of Saipem will respond, as they have always done, with flexibility, adaptability and a spirit of sacrifice. The company will respond with equal flexibility and availability"



In a video message to employees, Saipem CEO Stefano Cao communicates the extraordinary actions put in place by the company to deal with the current Coronavirus outbreak emergency.

A Crisis Response Protocol, active 24 hours a day, to define a series of decisions acting in compliance with the indications provided by the Ministry of Health and the evolving Government measures.

 “The top priority is the health and safety of our people - he continues - and to guarantee this, we have defined various measures that allow us to protect them while maintaining business continuity. One of these especially has been smart working."

Stefano Cao invites everyone to take care of themselves and their beloved ones, sharing a deep sense of responsibility, given by the awareness that from the actions of each one of us will depend the wellbeing of the whole community.

 “We are a strong community and we must prove it. Exceptional times - he underlines - require exceptional behaviors and attitudes. I am sure that the women and men of Saipem will respond, as they have always done, with flexibility, adaptability and a spirit of sacrifice. Our company will respond with equal flexibility and availability. "


Watch the video message