Saipem today presented during a webinar for students and researchers of the National Ocean Engineering Laboratory (NOEL) of the University of Reggio Calabria (UNIRC) its most innovative technologies applied to offshore renewable energy, developed through the synergy between its divisions, XSIGHT, dedicated to early engagement and innovation, and Offshore E&C.


The technologies presented during the webinar use clean sources such as waves and tide, wind and sun, in particular floating solar and those applied to offshore wind.

Among these, for example, the proprietary patent of Saipem HEXAFLOAT relating to the floating pendulum foundation for wind turbines whose first prototype will be built through the AFLOWT project, partly funded by the EU with the Interreg fund.

With regard to floating solar, the principles have been explained of the concept developed by Moss Maritime, part of the XSIGHT Division, for a park of floating solar panels, consisting of a very flexible modular system, apt for installation both near the coast and in areas where there are no large water reserves and also in very windy areas.

Furthermore, Saipem has long been dedicated to the study of tides and sea waves. Such research has allowed through Sabella, a Saipem group company, to develop and promote initiatives in the marine energy sector with the aim of testing innovative technologies and helping them grow.

Saipem has various partnership activities with third-party technologies such as: projects in progress with the Finnish Wello Oy, developer of the Penguin, the Wave Energy Converter (WEC) or the project in progress in the Strait of Messina with SeaPower scrl, spin off of the University of Naples Federico II, for the exploitation of currents through their GEMStar technology.

Dario Giudice, Renewables & Green Technology Product Lead of Saipem's XSIGHT Division, commented: “Today's meeting with the students and researchers of the University of Reggio Calabria testifies to the strategic value that renewables have for us. Saipem wants to be recognized for its role as an innovator who pursues the energy transition, through the study of integrated, innovative and sustainable solutions that optimize the exploitation of clean energy sources. In this regard, we are intensively developing solutions, such as those illustrated, which will allow us to reduce the use of fossil fuels. Despite the contingent situation, strongly impacted by COVID 19, the development of our technologies, as well as of our projects, has never stopped and we have continued to collaborate with important institutions, such as the University of Reggio Calabria, through new forms that allow to meet even from faraway such as webinars and video conferences”.

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