The Group, the only engineering player within the exhibition, is present with its own OIE project, a  technology unique in the world to block the spill of an oil well.

San Donato Milanese, 6 March 2019 ‐ Saipem, leader in engineering, drilling and construction of  major energy and infrastructure projects, was included by Google Arts and Culture in "Everything  starts  from  an  idea",  the  largest  online  exhibition  ever  made  dedicated  to  inventions  and  discoveries launched today by Google worldwide. Saipem is present in the exhibition with Offset  Installation Equipment (OIE), the only technology in the world to stop the spill at sea of an  erupting oil well. The OIE technology was selected by Assolombarda among the most interesting  inventions and discoveries for the exhibition and subsequently presented to Google in order to be  included in the virtual catalog of the same.  


Thanks to its sophisticated underwater robotic technologies, Offset Installation System (OIE) is a  system  that  allows  to seal  the  spill  of  an  underwater  oil  well  in  an  uncontrolled eruption,  significantly reducing the intervention time in case of environmental catastrophes.

Its design dates back to the aftermath of the incident in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, when a nonprofit consortium was created by the main oil companies that produces four "caps", located in as  many strategic corners of the globe, to block any oil wells in uncontrolled eruption.  

OIE was born as an answer to the problems of installation in medium‐low depths of the four  "plugs" where it is not possible to operate with a ship. In 2011, in fact, the Consortium launched  an international tender involving the major operators in the sector to identify a suitable solution.  Saipem designed and proposed OIE project, which won in 2012. Today Oil Spill Response Limited  owns and manages the technologies developed by the Consortium on behalf of the industry, including OIE.  

The OIE installation technology works as a sort of "underwater hot air balloon", weighs about 250  tons and is controlled remotely by robots capable of aligning the "plug" with high precision.  Entirely Made in Italy, the technology was created, developed and developed by Saipem in 6 years  of  work,  with over  200  engineers  and  specialists  involved,  4,000 drawings  and  documents  produced, half a million hours worked and a supply chain of over 150 companies involved, almost  all Italian.  

OIE is kept in the Saipem base in Trieste, where Saipem guarantees system maintenance, offshore  operators, the training of the same and members of Oil Spill Response Limited and customers  (typically, oil companies). The technology is ready to be mobilized at any time in case of need,  thanks to a technical team trained specifically to use the system.  

It  is  possible  to  discover  OIE  on  Google's  Arts  and Culture  at  the  following  link,  where  high‐definition  images, videos and a virtual visit to Saipem’s hangar in Trieste are also available.