Saipem has reached 1 million followers on Linkedin. The company has been present on this social network for 4 years, with 800 posts published that have generated 120,000 responses from users and 830,000 reactions (likes and emoticons).
Saipem's digital ecosystem is based on LinkedIn, Instagram and Youtube, and aims to convey the company's core values, mission and vision in a clear, direct and accessible way to support brand positioning and promotion. For Saipem, social networks convey the "purpose" of the company, or rather its raison d'etre, through objective and appropriate content. Furthermore, the social channels are in synergy with the website, which has been completely renovated and recently also equipped with a corporate blog, another channel recently launched to interact with an extended target of users and to tell the evolution of Saipem's sustainable business model, the new frontiers of energy and technological innovations.
In particular, the company has focused on Linkedin as it is considered the most suitable channel for Saipem’s world, not only for its respect for privacy but also because it is more suitable for the content that Saipem intends to convey. Instagram and YouTube, in addition, make the most of the repertoire of spectacular images and videos available to best represent Saipem's extraordinary nature.
Gaetano Colucci, Saipem Sustainability, Identity and Corporate Communications Director, commented in a long post published on his Linkedin profile: "The milestone of one million followers represents an important opportunity to critically investigate the relationship between social networks and companies and the importance of social media presence for Saipem, as sources of opportunities but also of risks. Through exponential organic growth, we have achieved this milestone that makes us one of the most followed Italian brands on LinkedIn, second only to a brand, Ferrari, which iconically represents the excellence of Made in Italy in the world. A bet won with the right mix of creativity and sobriety by putting our main asset at the center of the project: Saipem’s people who, with their knowledge, skills, ingenuity and lateral thinking substantiate the success of the company".
The long post by Gaetano Colucci is available at this link.