Saipem’s world at 360° described with a clear and effective language. The new Saipem blog shows the evolution of Saipem’s business model, the new frontiers of energy and technological innovations. It portrays the projects around the world and the people who make them possible.


Saipem, leading service company for energy and infrastructure sector, launches its online institutional blog to share with its stakeholders the deep change in its business model, now oriented towards the energy transition and the new challenges that the sector is facing. This transformation identifies Saipem as a global solution provider capable of devising, proposing and developing solutions for its customers.

The Blog, to be accessed from the institutional website, is available both in Italian and English language and enriches the storytelling of Saipem’s world addressing a heterogeneous audience. It describes the projects and initiatives realized in over 70 countries where the company is present, its extraordinary fleets, technological tools and engineering skills that make projects possible. The blog aims to tell about the women and men who make the Company an example of Italian excellence all over the world.

The Blog will also give food for thought on broader issues, from geopolitical and energy scenarios having an impact, even potential, on the company's activities, deepening macro trends underway such as the energy transition or digitalization with particular attention to sustainability, one of the main assets of Saipem’s business.

High profile pens from the economic, business and academic world will enrich the editorial contents from time to time, ensuring depth, completeness and objectivity.

The launch of the blog expands the offer of Saipem's digital ecosystem, already present today on LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube.

The new Saipem Blog was created under the supervision of the Sustainability Identity and Corporate Communication department, supported by iCorporate as regards design and content, and AKQA for the development and technical implementation part.