KEY – The Energy Transition Expo 2024 is the most important event dedicated to technologies, services, integrated solutions for energy efficiency and renewable energies in Italy and the Mediterranean basin, the place to highlight the acceleration of energy and climate policies and the opportunities opening up in the market.
Within a revamped exhibition itinerary that increases business opportunities, KEY 2024 is developed around the 7 thematic and product pillars - Solar, Wind, Storage, Hydrogen, Energy Efficiency, e-Mobility and Sustainable City, dedicating defined and connected spaces to them, as well as an Innovation District, a new prestigious area to showcase the most innovative solutions, offering a complete and engaging experience to the visitors.
With a customized space at its fourth consecutive participation, Saipem is seizing the opportunity to present its unique ability to design and industrialize complex structures, providing innovative solutions while respecting the environment, and to showcase the Star 1 model, one of its cutting-edge floating offshore wind technologies.
Time 11:00-11:45
Location: Energy Transition Arena, Padiglione A1
L. Cremascoli – Head of Offshore Technical Management, Saipem S.p.A.
D. Giudice – Technical manager, Saipem S.p.A.
M. Steuer - Siemens Energy AG
B.Z. Kolosowsky (DNV Energy Systems)
TAVOLA ROTONDA (congiunta con Siemens)
Floating Offshore Substation: Readiness for Offshore Wind
Time: 11:00-13:00
Location: Palco Tecnologico dell'Innovation Square, quartiere fieristico di Rimini
L. Cattedri - Head of Business Development & Commercial Offshore Wind
Secondo Rapporto Filiere sulla geografia produttiva delle rinnovabili in Italia TAVOLA ROTONDA "CASE HISTORY"
Time: Summit (9:30-13:00)
Location: Sala Neri 1, Hall Sud
F. Botta - Chief Commercial Officer
SUMMIT sull'eolico offshore in Italia e in Europa, a cura di ANEV e WINDEUROPE
Rimini Expo Centre - Quartiere Fieristico
Via Emilia, 155 - 47921 Rimini RN
Opening hours:
Wednesday 28 February 2024 | 9:00-18:00
Thursday 29 February 2024 | 9:00-18:00
Friday 1 March 2024 | 9:00-17:00