Our Sustainability

At GPS AG our mission revolves around delivering quality human resource services by ensuring the right talent connects with the right clients, fostering mutual growth and success.

"Our approach is rooted in a holistic perspective towards talent acquisition, emphasizing strategies, ethical practices, and positive outcomes for all stakeholders.

This commitment drives us to adopt a sustainable approach encompassing recruitment, selection, employment, training, and retention processes. We prioritize ethical recruitment practices by maintaining meaningful dialogue and collaboration with esteemed partner agencies within our global hiring platform and secure transparency, inclusivity, and integrity throughout the recruitment journey.

Furthermore, we place great emphasis on principles such as employees' welfare, safe working conditions, and business integrity that align with Saipem's organizational objectives. By upholding these values, we strive to create a conducive environment for sustainable growth and success for all involved parties.

2023-2026 Sustainability Plan

Sustainability for Saipem has increasingly become a strategic priority guiding skills and development, and on which the corporate brand purpose "Engineering for a sustainable future” is based

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Centrality of people

Health, safety, skills, diversity and inclusion underpin our business



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