Simone Chini

General Counsel


Simone Chini has 29 years of experience, 25 of which are in the corporate field and the last four years as an attorney in the firm he founded.

During his 25 years as an Executive, he has worked mainly for companies operating in the financial and insurance services sector and, more recently, in the industrial sector. The combination of the practice of the legal profession and the long and diversified corporate experiences allows Mr. Chini to benefit from a well-diversified range of skills. He has worked in Italy, UK, and France.

He managed numerous important legal teams, including as Chief Legal Officer, Director of Institutional Relations, Data Protection Officer and Member of the Management Committee at the Allianz Italia Group from 2013 to 2018, where he coordinated a team of 45 people; and as General Counsel for Italy and Head of International Legal Affairs at holding level at Groupama from 2008 to 2012, where he coordinated a team of 20 people. He holds a degree in law from La Sapienza University, Rome (1991).

As of May 2022, he holds the position of Director General Counsel, Contract Management, Company Affairs and Governance in Saipem.

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Full biography of Simone Chini

pdf - 02-2023

Simone Chini